
Administration and Finance Ministry Team

One of the responsibilities of the Finance arm is to take care of collecting money and paying the bills. The Treasurers are members of the team. This Team also takes charge of the upkeep and repair of the church buildings and grounds. Another job is gathering information to include in the Church Directory.

Worship and Music Ministry Team

The worship ministry at MCC works very closely with the Music Ministry. These ministries are closely related but each has distinct functions, suggested by their titles.

The worship ministry is involved with planning for all the worship services at MCC. This includes weekly worship as well as special events holiday/seasonal celebrations. Examples of worship planning include exchange of liturgical banners, preparation of candles for the altar, preparing candles for the congregation at Christmas, decorating the church, etc. 

In more recent years, a number of functions that would fall within this category have been performed by our co-pastors. With their retirement, this ministry will coordinate with interim/transitional pastors to assist them in their roles.

The Music Ministry person primarily acts as liaison between minister, pianist and choir director when there is special music happening for a Sunday service. They assist the choir director with music choices and contact choir members about upcoming musical offerings. They organize folders and rehearsal times for choir members for the Christmas Eve service.The Music Ministry person also coordinates instrumental musicians and small vocal ensembles when there is opportunity for them to participate in a service. Meriden Congregational Church is fortunate to have many talented musicians participate in Sunday worship throughout the year!

Welcoming and Caring Ministry Team

Welcoming and Caring Ministry

Our title says it all. Our ministry is to greet people for instance when they come to church we say hello when we hand out the bulletins. Our co-chairs, Kathy Wright and Lee Oxenham, feel free to ask for help from the people in our community to be ushers at church or to help with the informal get together after church which is called Coffee Hour. (It is not necessary to drink coffee or eat the delicious food made available but it often fun to chat about the week and get to know the person next to you).

Several times a year we sponsor big meals for instance the Harvest Supper or the Easter Breakfast (after Sunrise Service). Then we get out most of the tables and chairs and provide a full meal from volunteers cooking and cleaning up. Typically we only ask for donations as payment for the big meals. We raise our money through the Church’s Stewardship Campaigns in the Fall or donations at the church services.

If you have more questions please contact me at 603-469-3235 or


The Caregivers are a group of people who have time to volunteer to help the church members and church friends who have recently had medical challenges, health issues or bereavement. We all may have fallen into one of these categories. We may simply send a card of sympathy. We may cook a meal for someone or provide a ride. Our group meets together every three months for information sharing and to share a meal together. Sometimes if the weather is bad we will meet by zoom.

If you would like to join, or have questions, please contact me at 603-469-3235 or

Spiritual Formation Ministry Team

Composed of Co-Chairs Cathy Rodriguez and Larissa Pyer and Spiritual Formation Coordinator Kelsey MacNamee, the Spiritual Formation Ministry Team works collaboratively to support the children, youth, and families of Meriden Congregational Church. Program offerings are designed to offer comprehensive spiritual and emotional support, and include: 

  • Child-friendly Sunday worship services
  • Church school opportunities
  • Confirmation program 
  • Annual intergenerational church retreat 
  • Monthly discussion groups for middle school and high school students 
  • Monthly young parents and families dinner and discussion
  • Community service and social justice opportunities
  • Individualized support as-needed

Our support of children and youth doesn’t stop at our church doors, and we warmly welcome community members and families to participate in all programs of interest. We regularly provide outreach to the wider community through our summer day camp program,
Meriden Community Camp, now celebrating its 21st year, as well as offering the Our Whole Lives (OWL) sexuality education program targeted at children from kindergarten through grade twelve. 

For more information about these programs, see our
Children & Youth Programs page. You can also reach out to us directly at

Peace, Justice and Outreach Ministry Team

Our commitment to live into the mission & vision of our faith is realized through love by promoting justice and peace. God is especially keen on justice for those without resources, without privilege, without voice. Where injustice and violence oppress and divide, we will work toward liberation and reconciliation. and God’s broader work in the world beyond our doors. Examples include financial contributions to local missions which include Upper Valley Haven, Listen Community Services, Claremont Soup Kitchen, Good Neighbor & Logan Clinic, Turning Point Network, and WISE; to Our Churches Wider Mission and Granite State Organizing Project. Examples of our faith in action include the weekly Black Lives Matter vigil, volunteering at the Claremont Soup Kitchen and the Listen Community Dinners, Immigrant Solidarity Network vigils & meetings, Apartheid-Free / Gaza Education and Action, Legislative advocacy/opportunities/challenges covering concerns of LGBTQIA, climate & environment, education, immigrant justice, end of life options, reproductive rights; Worker Justice action is organized by our Worker Justice Minister, Rev. Dr. Gail Kinney who convenes meetings of NH Faith & Labor Coalition.

Want to join our team?

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